Welcome to Q.U.A.C.K.!
Q.uality U.nplugged A.coustic C.oncerts of K.indness
What’s Q.U.A.C.K.?
Q.uality U.nplugged A.coustic C.oncerts of K.indness started as a way for me (Brian Johnson @braimee of @7MinSec) to spread some joy by performing short vocal+guitar concerts over the Internet. I also want to raise support for SCA, which is “an independent, faith based, non-profit, community support organization specializing in distributing diapers, clothing, period supplies and other essentials to families in need from Scott County.”
Sounds neat. When’s the next Q.U.A.C.K.?
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I’m still reading. What’s the story behind Q.U.A.C.K.?
Early in the quarantine days of 2020, I was reading about the folks in Italy who sang to each other on balconies. They inspired me to sing a few songs on Facebook live the following evening, and the experience was phenomenal. I felt like I was in the same room with the family and friends I've been missing so dearly!
That made me wonder: how could I share this experience with other people who would enjoy a live mini music concert over the Internet via Zoom meeting?
Q.U.A.C.K was born.